Economic authority pushes partnership possibilities

The Terrace Economic Development Authority is offering some tools to help local businesses learn about First Nation joint venture partnerships.

With the expectation of increased economic activity in Terrace and region in the next few years through major industrial projects, the economic development office says that First Nations partnerships will take a crucial part in awarding contracts.

“Partnering with local First Nations communities is one of the ways that businesses can gain a competitive advantage and access procurement and business opportunities associated with the major projects,” said TEDA’s economic development officer Evan van Dyk. “Joint ventures just make good economic sense and benefit all parties involved.”

TEDA is hosting a public forum on joint venture partnerships, and has a tool kit with more information on the partnerships on its website. The tool kit provides some examples of the types of agreements and methods that can be used by businesses to formalize relationships with Aboriginal communities.

The forum is scheduled at Skeena Junior Secondary in the lecture theatre March 1 from 7-9 p.m.

Terrace Standard