Engineering scholarships available

The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia is offering several scholarships and bursaries.

The Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (APEGBC) has several scholarships and bursaries open to engineering and geoscience students.

The awards recognize students who have demonstrated remarkable achievements in the areas of academics, volunteerism and extra-curricular activities, allowing them to focus on studies rather than the financial cost of education.

The Frank Baumann Bursary, valued at $1,500, is offered to a deserving B.C. student enrolled in an engineering or geoscience program who is pursuing studies in the area of geohazards. This application is due Sept. 30.

The Sheri Plewes Scholarship, valued at $2,000, is offered to a woman in full-time undergraduate engineering studies in an accredited engineering program at a B.C. university. This application is due Sept. 30.

The Student Member Scholarships, valued at $1,000, are offered to all APEGBC student members. This application is due Oct. 30.

The BC Hydro/APEGBC Scholarships, valued at $1,500, are offered to fourth year engineering and geoscience students. This application is due Oct. 16.

Applications can be found online at

Langley Times