Members of the Surrey Board of Trade and the Canada India Business Council sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Members of the Surrey Board of Trade and the Canada India Business Council sign a Memorandum of Understanding.

Expanding Indian-Canadian business

Board of Trade signs Memorandum of Understanding

The Surrey Board of Trade signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Canada India Business Council last week.

Terms include promoting two-way trade, investment, economic co-operation and international marketing opportunities; promoting Surrey businesses in India; identifying opportunities for industrial and commercial co-operation between India and Surrey; informing Canadians about business in the region and the benefits of doing business in India; promoting businesses from India to join SBOT; and providing sales and marketing information to Surrey businesses.

“We’ve done a lot of work with Vivek Savkur, the president of the B.C. chapter of the Canada India Business Council,” SBOT president Mary Jane Stenberg said in a prepared statement. “Vivek was our key contact on the Surrey Board of Trade’s business delegation to India this past April. The connections that we made – over 330 meetings in six days – and the MOUs we signed with our chamber and industry association partners were invaluable.”


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