Mount Baker Secondary School students at the Black Press Extreme Education and Career Fair, Thursday, Nov. 15, at the Ktunaxa Nation Building in Cranbrook. (Barry Coulter photo)

Mount Baker Secondary School students at the Black Press Extreme Education and Career Fair, Thursday, Nov. 15, at the Ktunaxa Nation Building in Cranbrook. (Barry Coulter photo)

Extreme Education and Career Fair helps give back to the community

It's estimated that there will be one million job vacancies in the next nine years in B.C.

Hundreds of visitors took in the Black Press Extreme Education and Career Fair, Thursday at the Ktunaxa Building in Cranbrook, checking out the offerings of 40 exhibitors.

These visitors ranged in age from high school students to seniors, looking for post-secondary education options, entry level employment, or career change or skills upgrading opportunities.

Sheri Jackson, Black Press media events manager, said events like the Extreme Education and Career Fair serve to help both employers and jobseekers meet challenges that are just over the horizon.

“It’s estimated that there will be one million job vacancies in the next nine years in B.C.,” she said. This will create a huge need in the labour market — bringing together those looking for work, or to acquire new skills to get that work, and those who need those workers.

The career fair in Cranbrook was one of 12 that Black Press is holding this year in communities around B.C. It was the event’s first time in the East Kootenay.

“Fifty per cent of the people who come through our doors have post-secondary education,” Jackson said of the career fairs. “Fifty per cent of people who come through our doors are currently employed.

“There seems to be an even split between females, and males. This year, there seem to be a lot of people interested in trade opportunities — certainly in the Kootenays.”

Black Press has started holding its Extreme Education and Career Fairs as of way of giving back to communities across B.C.

“We are community-based, and we believe in the partnerships we have with the communities we serve,” Jackson said.

“We want to give back to the community by providing support and assistance through the Extreme Education and Career Fairs.”

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Cranbrook Townsman