The number of TEUs moving through Fairview Terminal is up almost 40 per cent in 2015.

The number of TEUs moving through Fairview Terminal is up almost 40 per cent in 2015.

Fairview traffic climbs

Fairview Terminal continues to see increased traffic, but tonnage through the PRPA remains below the numbers from last year.

Fairview Terminal continues to see increased traffic, but tonnage through the Port of Prince Rupert remains below the numbers from last year.

Fairview Terminal saw a 25.11 per cent increase in June compared to last June, rising from 52,843.25 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) to 66,111.75 TEUs, with imports up 16.77 per cent and exports up 36.32 per cent. The terminal is up almost 40 per cent through the first half of the year, with total tonnage climbing from 281,070.75 TEUs to 392,075 TEUs. Imports are up 31.64 per cent through to the end of June to sit at 218,382.25 TEUs and exports are up 50.81 per cent, despite the number of loaded containers being exported being up only 3.41 per cent.

Westview Terminal is also having a strong year, moving 329,447 tonnes of pellets so far in 2015 compared to 205,327 tonnes through the first six months of 2014. In June the terminal experienced at 245.55 per cent increase in tonnage, jumping from 22,287 tonnes last year to 77,012.47 tonnes.

Exports through the Prince Rupert Harbour were up 27.65 per cent in June compared to last June, with log exports up 25.81 per cent. So far this year shipments from the harbour are up 33.47 per cent, increasing from 185,345.35 tonnes to 247,376.88 tonnes.

The two terminals on Ridley Island, however, are both experiencing year-over-year declines in tonnage.

Prince Rupert Grain saw its June tonnage fall from 563,445.3 last year to 527,775.81, a drop of 6.33 per cent. So far this year Prince Rupert Grain has moved 3.08 million tonnes compared to 3.33. million tonnes last year, a drop of 7.47 per cent.

Ridley Terminals continues to experience double-digit declines. In June the terminal shipped 316,045 tonnes compared to 385,486 tonnes last June, a drop of 18.01 per cent. Year-over-year, the terminal has experienced a 47.24 per cent drop in tonnage, falling from 4.13 million tonnes in 2014 to 2.18 million tonnes this year.

In total, traffic through the Port of Prince Rupert was up 6.12 per cent in June compared to last year. However, the overall tonnage number dropped 8.44 per cent year-over-year, from 10.66 million tonnes during the first six months of 2014 to 9.76 million tonnes through to the end of June this year.


The Northern View