Karina and Jon Kozuska are the the hosts of True North Paranormal. Thunder Boyz Productions of Falkland is producing pilots for the series

Karina and Jon Kozuska are the the hosts of True North Paranormal. Thunder Boyz Productions of Falkland is producing pilots for the series

Falkland producers launch project

Thunder Boyz Productions is filming episode pilots for a Canadian paranormal investigation series

A Falkland-based production company best known for its hunting program has a new series on target.

Thunder Boyz Productions Inc., which produces Bushnell’s Trigger Effect (a hunting television show) has started a filming project to establish some episode pilots for a Canadian paranormal investigation series called True North Paranormal. This sector of the filming industry has predominately been successful based on American productions and TBPI feels there is room and a need for a Canadian paranormal TV series.

The series will be hosted by a husband and wife paranormal investigation team based out of Kamloops. Jon and Karina Kozuska have been investigating and studying the paranormal for the majority of their adult lives.

“This is totally new territory for our production company,” said Dean Trumbley, owner of Thunder Boyz Productions.

“However, Jon and Karina Kozuska are a very knowledgeable and experienced couple in paranormal investigation and our company specializes in capture live-action as it happens, it is a perfect match.”

Presently, the show has filmed its first episode at the Vernon Towne Theatre and is presently lining up another two locations in the Okanagan and Thompson areas. A public pilot will be released in March 2017 to gather input and opinions from the paranormal followers from throughout Canada.

“We wanted to go a different route and get opinions and critique from the fans and paranormal experts in Canada before cutting an episode to submit to mainstream television networks,” said Karina.

Jon adds: “At the end of the day it is the viewers and fans who determine success on TV, so why not start there.”

TBPI is targeting to have a pilot episode submittal ready by mid-summer of 2017 to various mainstream and specialty channels. True North Paranormal is committed to bringing the first husband/wife team Canadian paranormal TV show.


Vernon Morning Star