Flooring Canada owner thankful for support

A year after Flooring Canada burned down Perry Hildebrandt is ready to move into a new showroom thanks in large part to his competitors.

Flooring Canada owner Perry Hildebrandt will be moving into a new permament Kelowna location later this month.

Flooring Canada owner Perry Hildebrandt will be moving into a new permament Kelowna location later this month.

On Aug. 13, 2011, Perry Hildebrandt was devastated as he watched his Flooring Canada business showroom be destroyed by fire.

A year later, the after-effects of that fire have been nothing short of astonishing; his business has flourished and the commitment of his employees is enviable.

As Hildebrandt prepares to move his company from a temporary location to its new showcase building, he feels that he can acknowledge how a disaster can be an impetus for both business and personal growth.

“My team deserves the greatest acknowledgment,” said Hildebrandt.

“There was no question in their minds as to whether or not the business will go on, it was only a question of how.”

A local coffee shop provided the backdrop for putting the initial pieces back together. Hildebrandt knew he was not alone when his staff put a plan of action together that restored a sense of order for the company within days of the fire.

Hildebrandt has built a reputation for his business   based on integrity, trust and mutual respect; even with his competitors.

It was only days following the fire Hildebrandt received calls from those competitors offering their showrooms for his team to do sample product sales.

This may defy business competition logic, but Hildebrandt feels it’s testament to the strength of the Kelowna business community and its support for one another.

“We all like to think of Kelowna as a small city, but really we’re a village,” he said. “Without a doubt, we have the highest calibre of competitors, it’s a tough market. But they are first and foremost great people. We all know each other very well and they supported us simply because it was the right thing to do.”

Others from the Kelowna business community stepped forward to support the company.

It would be two weeks before the team at Flooring Canada would move into the leased space it has now been using the past year.

Meantime, the company’s telecom supplier called to say they had a boardroom with dedicated phone lines installed ready for the team to use.

Numerous others brought necessary supplies or whatever else was needed to keep the business running.

“When you are faced with a situation like ours, you are frequently asked how the insurance company is treating you,” reflected Hildbrandt.

“I can emphatically say, without the business package they developed for me and the continual guidance they have provided over the years, I would be floundering.”

Later this month, Flooring Canada will be moving into its impressive new Kelowna showroom that includes a new Designer’s Lounge and a greater selection of samples than before.

Over the past year, Hildebrandt and his staff have sought out better ways to conduct business that not only saves money but provides a better product for the customer.

“My deepest appreciation goes to my team, my colleagues, my friends,” said Perry. “You have set the bar for how a business community should work together for the betterment of all.”

Kelowna Capital News