Pictured left to right: Patrick Blink (Chief Financial Officer); Alex Loosdrecht (Chief Operating Officer); Lineke Kereluk (Vice President – Rentals); David Epp (National Sales Manager); Gary Krause (Controller); and James Epp (Owner).

Pictured left to right: Patrick Blink (Chief Financial Officer); Alex Loosdrecht (Chief Operating Officer); Lineke Kereluk (Vice President – Rentals); David Epp (National Sales Manager); Gary Krause (Controller); and James Epp (Owner).

Fraserway RV executive team lends a helping hand

Six members of Fraserway RV have returned from Southern Alberta, after volunteering two days in flood relief efforts.

Six members of Fraserway RV’s executive team have returned from Southern Alberta, after volunteering two days in flood relief efforts under the direction of Samaritan’s Purse Canada.

The charity has been working since the June 20, 2013 flood to reclaim damaged properties and provide assistance for those affected by the tragedy.

“I wanted to challenge our executive leadership team to volunteer to help with the very situation we’ve been working so hard to relieve,” explained Fraserway RV owner James Epp, spokesman for the recent campaign by four Alberta RV dealerships to raise $300,000 in five weeks through donations from RV sales.

By July 27, 2013, a final total of $291,630 was collected for flood relief.

“So we flew to Calgary, where we were promptly picked up by a Samaritan’s Purse bus and coached on what was going to happen.”

The team spent one day cleaning out the flooded basement of a home in Siksika Nation, and another day doing the same at a home in High River. They were told to bring their boots, but were provided with the rest of the gear required to safely execute the work at hand, including protective bodysuits, and respirators to avoid mold spores and dust from debris.

“It is because of partnerships like [this] that our work is possible,” said David Mikitka, Ministry Developer with Samaritan’s Purse Canada. “Over the longer term, Samaritan’s Purse will be moving toward a rebuilding phase. Much needs to be done.”

Samaritan’s Purse has responded to the needs of people affected by flooding in the communities of Calgary, High River, Black Diamond, Medicine Hat, and Skisika Nation. By the end of July 2013, the non-profit had mobilized over 4,000 volunteers, who have responded to the needs of more than 600 homeowners.

Abbotsford News