Freah N Fabulous new chair for Qualicum Beach Dowtown Business Association

The association has installed a new board of directors after its recent AGM

The Qualicum Beach Downtown Business Association has a new board it says is a “true reflection of the Town of Qualicum Beach, both in terms of geographic representation and the diversity of its various sectors.”

Lilo Kallai, owner of Fresh N Fabulous flowers and Gifts is the new chair of the association’s board of directors. There are also some new faces on the board, including: Patrick Simpson, owner of What’s Cooking and Joan Smith-Hodgson, owner of Lefty’s Fresh Food in Qualicum Beach.

Returning from the past board is Kelly Bleau, Branch Manager at BMO in Qualicum Beach and Dave Wood, Office Manager Re/Max Anchor & Re/Max First Realty. The new board began its term April 1.

“The Driving Principles of the Qualicum Beach Downtown Business Association are to market and promote the business viability of downtown Qualicum Beach,” the association said in a news release, “and to promote the downtown of Qualicum Beach as a destination location for tourists and locals.”

— NEWS Staff/QBDBA news release

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