Lake City Denture Clinic is giving away a free set of dentures this holiday season in its All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth contest. (Greg Sabatino photo - Williams Lake Tribune)

Free dentures offered in ‘All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth’ contest

Lake City Denture Clinic is granting a free set of dentures to one lucky winner

Everyone knows the Christmas jingle about a child’s two front teeth.

But this holiday season, Lake City Denture Clinic is bringing the classic to reality (and for grown ups) with its ‘All I want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth’ contest, which will grant a free set of dentures to one lucky winner.

Lake City Denture Clinic registered denturist (R.D.) Roy Jaroudi, who took over the practice in 2018 after moving to Williams Lake from his hometown of Surrey, said he wanted to offer the contest as a way to say thank you for welcoming him into the community, and for being so supportive.

“Also with COVID-19 going on, it’s been a rough year for a lot of people, and I just thought this would be a nice way to give back a little,” Jaroudi said. “Since I moved up here people have been just great. Everybody’s been so awesome and nice spreading the word about me, so I wanted to give something for people in need.”

The contest will be running throughout the month of November. Jaroudi said it will be advertised on the Lake City Denture Clinic Facebook page, its Instagram page, and in the Tribune.

READ MORE: Spotlight on Business – Lake City Denture Clinic

“People can nominate themselves or someone they know who’s had a rough year, or is in a bit of a bind,” Jaroudi said. “Or, someone who is always giving and it’s time for them to receive something back.”

At the end of November, Lake City Denture Clinic will conduct a random draw to select the winner.

“We’ll begin treatment on that patient early on in December and, hopefully, have it done before Christmas,” Jaroudi said.

Jaroudi said eligibility for the contest could be one of the following: for the applicant to be missing at least one or all of their teeth, have suffered a recent loss of a job, current financial struggles, low income, limited health care coverage, someone who is always giving and deserves to receive this holiday season or could use an uplifting experience, for example. The nominee must also be a resident of the Cariboo Chilcotin.

Residents can apply by dropping off their ballot — which are available to cut out from inside the Williams Lake Tribune — in person at the Lake City Denture Clinic office, by mail or by e-mail to (requires nominee’s name and phone number, and nominator’s name and phone number, along with two to three sentences about why you feel you or your nominee deserves the prize).

In September of 2020, Jaroudi opened a satellite office in 100 Mile House for patients in the South Cariboo on Fridays.

Lake City Denture Clinic is located at 113B Yorston St. For more call 250-398-9800.

greg.sabatino@wltribune.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Williams Lake Tribune