Friendly geek gives keynote speech at Sauder School of Business

Comox Valley businessman Bob Wells kicked off the Sauder School of Business international conference with a keynote speech.

Bob Wells was keynote speaker at the Sauder School of Business conference.

Bob Wells was keynote speaker at the Sauder School of Business conference.

Local businessman Bob Wells kicked off the 20th annual Sauder School of Business International Business Conference in Vancouver with a keynote speech at the T40U40 networking breakfast.

The event is an exclusive gathering where passionate business students can build lasting relationships with Top 40 Under 40 award recipients.

Wells asked students to allow their passion to guide their decisions in life, and to be prepared to end up where they never expected to be.

“I felt lucky that I knew in Grade 1 that I wanted to be a teacher,” Wells said. “I really enjoyed helping some of my fellow students that were having a hard time with math and found it very rewarding. What I didn’t expect was how hard I would find staying in school with ADHD, fighting to get a degree in education, and finally once I was at my dream job working at the Ministry of Education developing Fine Arts curricula that I did not like working in government at all.”

Family, volunteering and meaningful work have been the pillars of his happiness and success.

In 2003, Wells moved to the Comox Valley where he taught IT repair and networking at Excel Career College before starting My Tech Guys. He has presented to organizations such as Rotary, Probus, ElderCollege and businesses for nearly 20 years.

As his successes have been recognized, Wells has also discussed the challenges of getting hired, marketing, business planning and staying passionate with high school students, employment programs and colleges.


Comox Valley Record