FVRD “Walking the Talk” on Earth Day

FVRD's commitment to reduce garbage output has resulted in 88% reduction since launch of waste collection program

You will have a tough time finding a garbage can at the FVRD. Late last year, FVRD staff kicked their cans to the curb and replaced them with new desktop compost bins, expanded recycling stations, and set a goal to reduce garbage output of the Chilliwack headquarters by 90 percent.

“It was a very aggressive goal,” says FVRD Board Chair, Sharon Gaetz. “I am so pleased that on Earth Day we can report that the FVRD’s corporate garbage generation has decreased by a whopping 88 percent since we launched the new waste collection program. I have no doubt that our team will reach 90 percent by the end of 2015.”

In addition to the new waste collection program, the FVRD has also been actively collecting pens for Strathcona Elementary’s Dead Pen Challenge, launched a corporate electronic waste collection program, and begun construction of a rooftop patio garden, which will grow food crops.

“The FVRD is truly committed to promoting sustainability. The patio garden project is not only a green initiative, but one that also promotes employee wellness,” explains Gaetz. “Staff will use their lunch hours to work together on this project, connecting with one another and with nature. It’s a great opportunity to further build our team and work toward reducing our carbon footprint.”

The FVRD has set corporate targets of reducing electricity, natural gas, fleet fuel and water consumption by 10 percent in 2015, relative to 2012-2014 levels.

Agassiz Observer