Extreme Yeti is going to raise money to help the local youth centre in Golden.

Extreme Yeti is going to raise money to help the local youth centre in Golden.

Golden skydivers go extreme for charity

Sky Dive Extreme Yeti are preparing to do a major jump for charity. From each jump they will donate $50 to the Golden Youth Centre.

Sky Dive Extreme Yeti are preparing to do a major jump for charity.

From each jump they will donate $50 to the Golden Youth Centre.

“I was wondering how I wanted to beat my record of 12 jumps in one day and thought, why not create an exciting and fun challenge to our town, to raise money for youth” said owner and tandem master, Myles Delorme.

Overall, the challenge is to fund-raise over $2,000, to support the Golden Youth Centre.

“I was active in the Boys and Girls Club when I was growing up and I wanted to donate to something similar here in Golden,” Delorme said.

The goal is to actively challenge locals to seek pledges and create corporate challenges in the name of youth of our community. On site during the day there will be a viewing area, barbecue and prizes. All experience levels and newbies are invited to join in the fun. All jumpers will be participate in tandem skydives.

“We want to put over 40 people in the air, which will be 20 jumps per tandem master. It is a lot of work on the ground. So we have planned for extra staff on hand, from office workers, parachute packers and an extra tandem master on the ground to co-ordinate and prep jumpers. All these extra staff will be from our sister drop zone in Alberta,” Delorme said.

The drop zone in Golden is very unique in the world. It is one of the only places where active sky diving is between two mountain ranges. Each flight soars to 10,000 feet above ground level. The bird’s eye view from the plane is spectacular as they fly past, glaciers, mountains and rivers. It is well worth the flight up to ease the nerves.

The charity challenge jump cost is $299 plus tax. The package includes your tandem master, flight and equipment.

For more information please contact Delorme, owner, Sky Dive Extreme Yeti, 250-272-9384.


Golden Star