Goldstar is Cleaning for a Reason

Women undergoing cancer treatment are being offered free house cleaning through Goldstar Cleaning and the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation.

Jill Barclay of Goldstar Cleaning

Jill Barclay of Goldstar Cleaning

By Rebecca Edwards

Women undergoing cancer treatment are being offered free house cleaning during the course of their treatment through the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation.

Goldstar Cleaning Services is only the second cleaning company in B.C. to join the not-for-profit foundation, and the first outside the Lower Mainland.

This week is Cleaning for a Reason Week in Canada and the United States and the Fernie and Sparwood-based company has committed to giving two women from the V0B postal code area a clean of their home once a month for four months.

Owner Jill Barclay said she was inspired to join the foundation by a former client, who was undergoing cancer treatment.

“She put together a team of people to help her get through it – one of the things she needed was to have the house cleaned so she could focus on the treatment.

“It got me thinking, and I found out about the foundation, which was formed in Texas in 2006 and has now helped over 9,000 women across the United States and Canada.”

Cancer patients currently undergoing treatment apply directly to the Cleaning For a Reason foundation who will take them through a short eligibility process and connect them with the nearest cleaning company who provides the service for free.

Jill added: “Typically women are the ones who are responsible for most of the house cleaning – I thought this is one way we can help out so they have more time to spend with their family and friends, or to rest.

“We can do whatever they want us to do, but typically it would be a 4-6 hour clean including dusting, vacuuming, cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms.

“We will also be sensitive to the needs of the patient and their family in terms of scheduling a time that suits them, they don’t need to leave the house while we are there and we work in complete confidentiality – it will be the same cleaner every time.

“I hope it will give our clients one less thing to think about, so they can conserve their energy to deal with the treatment.”

• Women currently undergoing cancer treatment who would like to access Goldstar’s services should apply directly to the Cleaning for a Reason Foundation at


The Free Press