Gorgeous weekend for Mega Show

South Cariboo Mega Show enjoyed by many 100 Mile House and area residents

Tara Grinyer

Tara Grinyer

The South Cariboo Mega Show wrapped up its fifth season on the May 11-13 weekend.

The South Cariboo Rec. Centre was abuzz with displays, products and information ranging from home-based businesses to home improvement, and from log building to recreational vehicles.

Admittance to the show was by donation, with the proceeds going to KidSport, which is a program that helps youth play sports even if they can’t afford the registration costs.

“I don’t have the numbers of people attending the show yet,” says Canlan’s office/sales and community program co-ordinator Tara Grinyer. “But I do know that more than $1,700 was raised.”

The entrance table was manned all weekend by Dianne Bob, Christian Sampson, Ben Johnson and Andrew Bremner, Grinyer says, adding she cannot thank the volunteers enough for their time and effort.

Although the show may have been just a bit smaller than past years, she says it was a great time. She notes there was a lot of networking going on throughout the weekend, not only between attendees and vendors, but also between the businesses.

“Not everyone was selling their products. It was more of showcasing and promoting what their businesses do.

“It was a gorgeous weekend as well as Mother’s Day and I’m really pleased with the attendance we had.”

The Mega Mother’s Day Basket was given to Cindy Parent, she says, adding the basket was huge thanks to the numerous businesses donations.

100 Mile House Free Press