ICBC invests $936,000 in Surrey, Delta and White Rock streets

Projects part of safer roads program, launched in 1989.

ICBC invests $936,000 in Surrey, Delta and White Rock streets

You’ve likely driven by 86 Avenue and 128 Street and noticed the intersection was upgraded to a full traffic signal. This is one of 28 road improvements ICBC invested in last year to help make Surrey, Delta and White Rock’s roads safer for everyone.

ICBC launched the safer roads program in 1989, and since then, has invested over $110 million in road improvement projects and safety studies across B.C. In 2012, ICBC invested approximately $4 million in the Lower Mainland and $8 million in projects and safety audits across the province.

“Public safety is our top priority,” said Mary Polak, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “ICBC’s safer roads program works in partnership with our ministry and with communities to ensure safety is a priority in transportation infrastructure in communities across the province. This valuable program demonstrates our continued commitment to help keep everyone safe on our roads.”

All proposed road improvement projects are assessed based on their ability to make roads safer. The most recent evaluation of the program concluded that overall, for every dollar invested, ICBC and its customers see a return of five times the investment. The evaluation found that two years following a project’s implementation, there is on average, a 20 per cent reduction in severe crashes and a 12 per cent reduction in property damage crashes. More importantly, the benefits of road improvements continue well beyond two years.

ICBC also participates in engineering studies and assists communities in the planning of roadways and managing traffic.

“Road improvements deliver real value to everyone on our roads, from drivers to pedestrians,” said John Dickinson, ICBC’s director of road safety. “We’ll continue to invest in road safety initiatives that help us reduce claims costs to keep rates as low as possible for our customers.”

As road improvements are implemented, it also requires drivers to adopt new driving behaviours, such as adjusting to traffic pattern changes and understanding the rules of the road. The majority of crashes are preventable and have more to do with driver error than road engineering. Drivers need to do their part by making smart driving decisions and avoiding crashes.

Over the last 23 years, ICBC’s safer roads program has evolved significantly – community investments and successful partnerships have led to award winning projects and the contributions have helped advance the knowledge of the road safety engineering industry in B.C. and across Canada.

Safer roads projects completed in Surrey in 2012:

Location: 104th Avenue – 156th Street to 144th Street

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at each intersection along the corridor

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $7,500

Location: Two corridors in Surrey

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $15,000

Location: 80th Avenue to 128th Street and King George Boulevard

o    Project description: Improve signal timings

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $15,000

Location: Three corridors in Surrey

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $19,000

Location: Three corridors in Surrey

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $19,000

Location: Two corridors in Surrey

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $19,000

Location: 72nd Avenue – 122nd Street to 124th Street

o    Project description: Safety evaluation study of automated traffic control systems

o    Partner: City of Surrey and University of British Columbia

o    ICBC contribution: $20,000

Location: At five intersections along 96th Avenue

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $38,000

Location: At six intersections along 88th Avenue

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $44,000

Location: At seven intersections in Surrey

o    Project description: Installation of left-turn arrows at signalized intersections

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $45,000

Location: At five intersections along 108th Avenue

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridors

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $64,000

Location: At 25 locations in Surrey

o    Project description: Installation of uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $62,500

Location: At 106 locations in Surrey

o    Project description: Installation of visual countdown timers.

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $75,000

Location: Highway 15 and 16th Avenue

o    Project description: Widening of shoulders and corners

o    Partner: Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure

o    ICBC contribution: $13,500

Location: At nine intersections along 104th Avenue

o    Project description: Improve traffic signal timings at intersections along the corridor

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $93,000

Location: 16th Avenue – North Bluff Road to Foster Street

o    Project description: Upgraded an existing pedestrian crosswalk with a pedestrian signal

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $5,000

Location: 104th Avenue and Old Yale Road

o    Project description: Upgraded an existing two-way stop intersection to a full traffic signal with left-turn lanes

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $89,000

Location: 92nd Avenue and 128th Street

o    Project description: Upgraded an existing pedestrian signal with a full traffic signal

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $38,000

Location: 86th Avenue and 128th Street

o    Project description: Upgraded an existing two-way stop intersection to a full traffic signal

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $23,000

Location: King George Boulevard – Colebrook Road to Highway 10

o    Project description: Improved street lighting

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $14,000

Location: 72nd Avenue – 122nd Street to 134th Street

o    Project description: Installation of an automated traffic control system that connects seven signalized intersections along this corridor

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $40,000

Location: 128th Street and 20th Avenue

o    Project description: Redefining the laning of the intersection

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $20,000

Location: 128th Street and 24th Avenue

o    Project description: Redefining the laning of the intersection

o    Partner: City of Surrey

o    ICBC contribution: $20,000


Location: 56th Street – 19th Avenue to 6th Avenue

o    Project description: Update of signal timings for all traffic signals along the corridor

o    Partner: Corporation of Delta

o    ICBC contribution: $12,000

Location: At 32 locations in Delta

o    Project description: Installation of visual countdown timers

o    Partner: Corporation of Delta

o    ICBC contribution: $42,000

Location: 72nd Avenue and 116th Street

o    Project description: Realignment of two ‘ T’ intersections along 72nd Avenue

o    Partner: Corporation of Delta

o    ICBC contribution: $66,000

White Rock

Location: Roper Avenue and Finlay Street

o    Project description: Installation of a marked crosswalk

o    Partner: City of White Rock

o    ICBC contribution: $3,000

Location: North Bluff Road and George Street

o    Project description: Installation of a northbound raised island

o    Partner: City of White Rock

o    ICBC contribution: $14,000

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