Industrial land brewery sales may be permitted in Abbotsford

Council gave first and second reading to a zoning bylaw amendment

Abbotsford craft breweries located on industrial land may soon be permitted to offer free samples of beer and build a tasting room.

Municipal council gave first and second readings to a zoning bylaw text amendment Monday night to allow the change. A date for a public hearing has not yet been determined.

In May, Abbotsford first craft brewery, Surlie Brewing Company, asked the city to alter its bylaw prohibiting alcohol sales on industrial line, to bring it in line with the provincial liquor laws.

Other municipalities, such as Township of Langley and Surrey, have local microbreweries located within industrial areas with brewpubs being established within commercial areas, according to a report to council.

The report also added that the microbrewery industry creates local jobs, increases tourism, and supports the local agricultural sector through the purchase of hops and grains.

Abbotsford News