Investment and relocation guide launched

One of the key areas where the Summerland Chamber of Commerce is at work is in Business Retention, Expansion and Attraction.

One of the key areas where the Summerland Chamber of Commerce is at work is in Business Retention, Expansion and Attraction.

We do this through networking, partnering with other organizations, effectively promoting the community and through partnering with the District of Summerland on various economic development initiatives.

For some months, chamber staff, with additional support from district staff, has been working on a specific economic development item.

This is the new Investment and Relocation Guide for Summerland.

Information available on the chamber and district sites required updating and there was a great deal of new information to be added in order to provide potential investors and families with the information they need to make a relocation decision.

This new guide is now available on the chamber site and covers everything about our community from information about our municipality, population and climate to employment, major industries, development opportunities, housing and infrastructure, and transportation.  Families want to know about education, recreation, cultural and community support options and that’s in the guide as well.

As this is an online document, we can make regular updates to keep it fresh.

A guide of this kind is a tool that every community needs and it is widely used.

It will be available to the agencies that promote the Okanagan to international or out-of-province investors, to neighbouring communities with whom we do joint presentations to investors and we will be actively making people aware that this information is available and that Summerland is a great choice.

Recent closures on Main Street are discouraging but it’s important to remember that work continues on all fronts to shine a positive spotlight on Summerland and encourage people to choose our community as their own.

We always appreciate your feedback.  Please contact me at or Christine Petkau at


Arlene Fenrich is president of the Summerland Chamber of Economic Development and Tourism. All of the members of the board of directors serve as volunteers.



Summerland Review