JobFest creates a stir among youth

JobFest 2012 a huge success during 100 Mile House visit

Natasha McKay, left, Sheldon Henderson and Austin Sullivan checked out some of the interactive career exploration tools at JobFest at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre, July 6.

Natasha McKay, left, Sheldon Henderson and Austin Sullivan checked out some of the interactive career exploration tools at JobFest at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre, July 6.

JobFest 2012, a travelling event offering interactive career exploration, guest speakers, the lively band Acres of Lions and all kinds of cool incentive prizes, was at the South Cariboo Rec. Centre in 100 Mile House, July 6.

Young people aged 12 to 24 years were targeted for JobFest, but people of all ages turned up to check out information about the British Columbia labour market and to access six different career exploration tools developed by the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation.

Many took the opportunity to take a career aptitude test and then learn specifics of the different jobs suggested to them.

The Youth Zone from the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre (CFEC) in 100 Mile hosted the event and manned the different venues, which included a couple of giant inflatable walk-in amplifiers that housed some of the attractions.

Bithia Chung-Harris from CFEC says it was a great event and she’s disappointed for the youth who didn’t take advantage of it.

“There was a lot of great stuff there and they put it out in an appealing way. Those who were there loved it and had a great experience.”

She adds many who took the career suitability quiz were surprised by the results.

“It got them thinking about other careers they hadn’t considered before. People were really positive about it.”

Folks who missed JobFest can access the same quizzes and information on the Internet by going to Look for the link to, the B.C. Liberal governments’ new integrated online career information portal that offers occupation profiles and an education-to-career pathfinder tool. showcases videos that highlight popular jobs throughout the province, and is an interactive tool for exploring 500 careers and job statistics related to them

At, people can take a career suitability quiz, which will suggest work options that match your abilities, and for children between the ages of eight and 12, there’s, a 3D online video game that lets them explore career options.

People can also check out to find information about program availability, tuition costs, application dates and more at post-secondary schools in B.C.

100 Mile was the last community on the JobFest northern tour, and after a short rest, the crew will be on the road again on the southern leg of its tour.

100 Mile House Free Press