Join the Cash Mob today (Tuesday)

Members of My North Langley and the Walnut Grove Business Association have come together to "cash mob" a deserving business tonight.

We’ve all seen or heard of a flash mob, but now the founders of “My North Langley” are going to do their first “Cash Mob” on Tuesday, Aug. 13.

The idea is to “mob” a chosen small business with cash to help them out and to foster good will with fellow business owners.

My North Langley founders Michael Thorne and Tyler McClendon have been promoting the idea over all levels of social media, in hopes a big group from north Langley will gather.

They are asking everybody to meet at 5:30 p.m. at North Langley Paint and Decorating where they will announce the business they are going to “mob.” Donations of cash can be minimal. It is the thought that is important.

“We plan on doing a “Mob” each quarter and will continue to ask for people to nominate recipients,” said Thorne. “We have had so much success at Christmas with our “Fans” sponsoring numerous families that we were looking for more opportunities for events like this.”

Thorne says it is a great way for neighbours to meet each other, have some fun and support local businesses.

They asked followers of My North Langley to nominate a small business that has been involved with giving back to the community or who has gone that extra mile or who may be struggling at this time for whatever reason.

My North Langley has been going strong, with more than 1,000 followers to its Facebook page now. They post daily updates on fundraisers and events or things happening around north Langley. They promote local businesses and try different community projects like this one.

Langley Times