White Spot server Kristi Robertson (left) was dressed appropriately for Adult Pirate Pak Day at the Fraser Highway White Spot on Wednesday, Aug. 12. Jessica Frame (centre) and Laura Frame (right) were among the many diners who supported the annual fund-raiser.

White Spot server Kristi Robertson (left) was dressed appropriately for Adult Pirate Pak Day at the Fraser Highway White Spot on Wednesday, Aug. 12. Jessica Frame (centre) and Laura Frame (right) were among the many diners who supported the annual fund-raiser.

Langley at helm again for Pirate Pak Day

Langley's White Spot sold the most amount of Pirate Paks on Wednesday, Aug. 12. Sales up 17 per cent for annual fundraiser.

Shiver me timbers Langley — we sure like our Pirate Paks.

Once again, the Willowbrook Langley White Spot was at the helm, selling the most ships on Pirate Pak Day, Wednesday Aug. 12.

The Fraser Highway location sold 2,235 Pirate Paks, raising $4,470 to help send kids with life threatening illnesses and chronic disabilities to camp.

Thousands of buckaneers in B.C. and Alberta went to White Spot that day to raise a record $92,358 in all. That is a 17 per cent increase from last year’s Pirate Pak day.

The money raised will send more than 60 children and young adults to Zajac Ranch, located in Mission.

Since the program began in 2008, White Spot has raised $439,530, providing hundreds of young mateys with a meaningful camp experience.

White Spot will be sending kids to Zajac Ranch for “White Spot Week” from Aug. 17 to 21, where campers can participate in a variety of activities such as horseback riding, kayaking, water sports and arts and crafts.

This year’s single-day event saw a record number of 46,179  Pirate Paks sold. The Langley location saw line-ups out the door and it stayed busy from opening to closing.

Every year, White Spot staff and enthusiastic guests dress up as modern-day swashbucklers and adventurers of the sea, all in the name of charity and good-hearted fun.

“Every year, White Spot is overwhelmed by the support our community shows us on Pirate Pak Day. This year is no exception,” said Warren Erhart, White Spot president and CEO. “We look forward to Pirate Pak day as an annual tradition when everyone—captains, lads, lassies and me hearties alike—can enjoy a piece of their childhood.

In the spirit of sharing the experience White Spot buccaneers also tweeted their excitement about #PiratePakDay:

·         Been wearing this #PiratePak boat on my head since lunch. I’m SO gonna have ship-head when I take it off tonight.

·         Food tastes better in a boat! Three years running #whitespot #piratepack #foodie #kidatheart #pirate

·         Walking around with my #PiratePack cuz I earned it and I’m not giving it up that easily.

Langley Times