Langley business student helps BCIT win

Deanna Blythe and her classmates took top spot at business competition in New Orleans

A local business student helped her team win a prestigious contest.

Langley’s Deanna Blythe, a D.W. Poppy graduate,  helped BCIT’s school of business take top spot at the 34th annual American Marketing Association (AMA) International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans.

The 43-person team overcame some intense American competition to take several top awards. They were the lone Canadian entry at the competition.

Blythe was part of BCIT’s team in the Pearson Learning Solution’s case study competition. The event featured student teams creating integrated marketing campaigns for a real product to be launched in the fall of 2012.

The group’s work will be publicized during Pearson’s upcoming production launch.

“As the winners of the case study, we were able to present in front of 1000 students. The competition from the American schools forced us to be better,” said presenter Anita Bathe.

“This was the culmination of six months of solid work and focus, and it paid off.”

She said the group owes a tremendous amount to their instructor and advisor Geoffrey Bird, who took home an outstanding faculty advisor award for his work with the team.

Langley Times