Ryan and Laura Koch are using their $5,000 prize from Dominion Lending Centres to launch their music career.

Ryan and Laura Koch are using their $5,000 prize from Dominion Lending Centres to launch their music career.

Langley couple’s prize winning video airing during Grey Cup

Local married couple, Ryan and Laura Koch, have won a national video contest for Dominion Lending Centres

Local married couple, Ryan and Laura Koch, have won a national video contest for Dominion Lending Centres.

The contest, open to clients of DLC, asked entrants to create a 30 to 60 second video describing their experience with DLC.

With a history of creating quirky, comedic videos, the Koch’s knew this contest was right up their alley.

Laura grabbed their kids’ ukulele and they sat at their kitchen island and came up with a funny little tune.

A few days later, they recorded a video of them singing it, incorporating some funny photos of their family, and submitted it to the contest.

As it turns out, they were right in thinking the contest was in their wheelhouse. They have just been selected as the grand prize winners.

They will receive $5,000 and their video will be used in a national advertising campaign which will air across the country in movie theatres, during the Grey Cup, and the February Super Bowl, among other featured broadcasts.

The couple have a band called The Kwerks that they formed this past summer and the winnings have already been put to use helping move the band forward.

“The winnings gave us the chance to buy some sound equipment and has also helped us record our first album,” Laura said.

Their album will be released in February, 2016.

To connect viewers with their music, The Kwerks have announced a release of their single, Better Together, on Nov. 29, the day of the Grey Cup.

“We are really looking forward to seeing where this takes us,” Laura said.

“And to have some national exposure early in our journey as The Kwerks is really exciting.”

For more on The Kwerks, visit www.thekwerks.com.

Langley Times