Local carver sells unique totem pole

Ucluelet's Hjalmer Wenstob recently sold a unique totem pole he carved out of two-by-fours.

Hjalmer Wenstob’s two-by-four totem pole is a conversation starter about deforestation and conservation. He recently sold the piece to an anonymous buyer for $12,000.

Hjalmer Wenstob’s two-by-four totem pole is a conversation starter about deforestation and conservation. He recently sold the piece to an anonymous buyer for $12,000.

Ucluelet’s Hjalmer Wenstob recently sold a unique totem pole he carved out of two-by-fours.

“I went to go carve and I was in Victoria looking for a piece of wood and there was none to be found so I thought we should make a carving about that,” Wenstob told the Westerly.

“It’s a totem pole out of two-by-fours because that’s all the wood I could get. It’s a conversation on deforestation and a conversation on resource extraction in itself and it’s a piece of art.”

The two-by-fours surround an oil drum contained inside the totem pole.

Wenstob said he took about two solid weeks to carve the roughly three-metre tall, 113 kilogram, totem pole, which he recently sold for $12,000 to a Quebec based buyer, who currently wishes to remain anonymous.



Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News