MANAGER’S DESK: Alberni chamber seeks new directors

Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce's annual general meeting is slated for May 9. New board members are welcome.

When you talk Alberni Valley Chamber of Commerce, we are all about “Shop Alberni”, the Community Excellence Awards Dinner, lobbying governments on behalf of the business community, offering excellent rates on health benefits for small businesses, offering three different merchant services programs for Visa, Mastercard and Interac, promoting local attractions and services at the Visitor Centre that we built for our community and a whole lot more.

In order to accomplish our goals, we need a strong board of directors and executive to set, and help carry out policy. Being a chamber director is an important position and it carries with it some obligations. Having said that, it’s certainly not an onerous task to serve as a director. Board meetings are once a month (except July & August) and there is some committee work involved. Our monthly meetings take place Thursday mornings and we’re done by 9 a.m. or before.

If serving as a chamber director interests you, our annual general meeting is at noon, Wednesday, May 9 at Chances Rimrock Gaming Centre in the Pacific Rim Room. Current president, Neil Malbon, will deliver the state of the union address, we will elect a new board of directors, vote on two chamber housekeeping resolutions and enjoy Vishal’s always scrumptious lunch.

For more information and to reserve your seat at the meeting/luncheon, call our office at 250-724-6535.

A delegation representing the new society intent on buying controlling shares of the Bulldogs will attend our next board meeting. From what I understand they are taking on this challenge in order to ensure the Bulldogs are not bought and moved to another city.

A junior hockey franchise is not necessarily a good money-making investment (as Dr. Ness eloquently explained last week), but what is certain is that the team is a huge economic generator and they are great ambassadors for the whole community. Raising $500,000 in less than 40 days is a huge challenge. If any community can do it, we can!

Thought for the Week:

You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” — Henry Ford

Alberni Valley News