Pictured are Tanner Jones, Elsie Curtis, Jim Tress, Janie Tress, Kathy Dondaneau, Will Samuels, and Robert Tress.

Pictured are Tanner Jones, Elsie Curtis, Jim Tress, Janie Tress, Kathy Dondaneau, Will Samuels, and Robert Tress.

Many services offered under one roof at Kootenay Pumping LTD.

Over the years Kootenay Pumping Systems 1985 Ltd. has expanded to offer a wide variety of services for people in and around Golden.

Over the years Kootenay Pumping Systems 1985 Ltd. has expanded to offer a wide variety of services for people in and around Golden. The company opened in the early ‘70s and in 2003 was purchased by Keith and Kathy Dondaneau.

“The idea of Kootenay Pumping is to be able to provide many services under one roof. Because it is a very small town we have to offer more than one service. We have continued to expand into areas like jet rod and steam trucks and a variety of vacuum trucks.We have the only licensed potable water truck in the Columbia Valley.” Kathy Dondaneau said. “We also have the only hydro vac in Golden.”

She explained the hydro vac gives the company the ability to remove dirt from an area without damaging fibre optics, water, sewer and gas lines.

The company also provides a jet rodding service for its customers. “It is used to clean and unplug large and small  sewer lines”.

They also rent portable toilets which are used at a variety of sites in the area. The company also has a gravel truck, plow trucks, and sweepers.

Kathy said Keith has taken his knowledge of how to use the technology of the trucks in many different ways to expand what the company can provide for its customers.

“What lots of people do not realize about Kootenay Pumping is that it is very environmentally based. On our logo it says, ‘Here for you. Here for the environment.’ That’s the whole object of it. You maintain your septic system because it can pollute your groundwater,” she said.

She said they work with people to get, and keep, their systems in great shape,  plus any other projects they need done in the most environmentally friendly way possible. “I think Golden is the most beautiful place in the whole world,” Dondaneau said.

She also offered some advice for people who live in the area.

“Many people do not understand how the septic system works. There is an old thought out there to add stuff to your tanks.  This can, and often does, turn your tank solid which is the opposite of what you want.  The new philosophy with septic is do not add anything to your system,” Dondaneau said. “If you insist on adding something, come talk to us and we can give you something which will work.”

Dondaneau said a properly maintained system will last up to 75 years if it is pumped every two to three years.

The key thing which has led to their success, are the great workers at the company.

“It is very important to have great workers. We are a small company who are very close knit. We all work together very well,” she said. She also thanks the people in the community for supporting the group over the years.

For more information about the company and the services they offer go to www.kootenaypumpingsystems.com or call 250-344-6410.


Golden Star