Natural Resource Road Act website now available

This website was developed to provide administrators, builders, maintainers and users with an opportunity to contribute to the new Act

The Natural Resource Road Act Project Team is pleased to advise that the Natural Resource Road Act Project website is now live.

The NRRA Project is taking a different approach to engaging stakeholders in the development of a single Act to support the management of resource roads of British Columbia than was done for Bill 30. This website and NRRA project were developed to provide administrators, builders, maintainers and users with an opportunity to contribute to the new Act.

The intent of the Act is to create consistency, streamline and clarify for all involved regarding what rights and obligations go along with resource roads in B.C. The project team wishes to convey that regardless of who you are and where you are, your rights and obligations are the same, provincewide.

The Act itself strives to continue the rights of the public to use resource roads as well as the responsibility of government, as stewards of the land on behalf of all British Columbians, to ensure such roads do not cause unacceptable environmental impacts.

The website provides a policy discussion paper and presentation as well as links to related initiatives such as the Off Road Vehicle Management Framework. You can view the documents on-line or download them to your computer for printing, future review or distribution.

You are invited to provide feedback to the project team through “submit comment” links until Dec.15. That feedback will help inform the team of the concerns that road builders, maintainers and users have with resource road policy today and regarding the team’s ideas for resource road policy in the future. Plus it is an opportunity to pass along ideas for how we can make it better.

For further information about this opportunity to help shape how we manage resource roads in B.C., please visit the project website. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Natural Resource Road Act Project website is at

– BC Forest Safety Council




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