New Afton brings prosperity to Kamloops

(MABC) announced recently that New Gold Inc.’s New Afton Mine is the recipient of the 2011 Mining and Sustainability Award


The Mining Association of British Columbia (MABC) and the Province of British Columbia, Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas, announced recently that New Gold Inc.’s New Afton Mine is the recipient of the 2011 Mining and Sustainability Award.

New Afton Mine General Manager, Kurt Keskimaki, said it was an honour for the mine’s sustainability practices to be recognized by MABC and the B.C. government. “Responsible mining is embedded in the culture of our organization and practiced every day by our employees,” said Keskimaki.

The annual Mining and Sustainability Award provides an opportunity to publicly acknowledge companies, communities, First Nations, non-governmental organizations, government agencies and individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to leadership in sustainability.

This award is a joint initiative of the Mining Association of BC and the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas, and was first issued in 2005.

The Mining Association also extends its congratulations to New Gold Inc. on the Official Opening of the New Afton Mine on September 17.




Mining Association of BC

Karina Brino


Keremeos Review