No delay in BG decision, company says

Reports of the BG Group delaying a decision on their Ridley Island terminal by one year are not accurate, the company says.

Reports of the BG Group delaying a decision on their Ridley Island terminal by one year are not accurate, the company says.

Roger Ayton, BG Group director of investment appraisals for North America, was quoted in the Financial Post as stating the company would be pushing back a final investment decision to 2017 following the release of the government’s LNG framework. That delay would push operations back to 2022.

However, company spokesperson Tyra Henschel said that is simply not the case.

“The comments in the Financial Post regarding a new target FID date do not represent the BG Group view. BG has not made any change to its expected timelines for Prince Rupert LNG,” she said.

“The comments were made in the context of recent developments on tax policy in BC. The company representative was making the point that external factors such as the LNG tax are likely to put pressures on decision-making for all LNG proponents in B.C.”

The Northern View