Nominations open for local business awards

If you have a favourite business between Rossland, Trail and Fruitvale, now is the time to speak up about it.

Nominations are open now and until August 21 for the chamber's Business Excellence Awards.

Nominations are open now and until August 21 for the chamber's Business Excellence Awards.

If you have a favourite business between Rossland, Trail and Fruitvale, now is the time to speak up about it.

Nominations are open until August 21 for the second annual Business Excellence Awards, hosted by the Trail and District Chamber of Commerce.

This year, there’s six new categories for the public and business community to consider from the 250-plus chamber members and any other enterprises in the area provided it is operating with a valid business licence. Local organizations including for-profit and nonprofits are also eligible.

“We added awards because we were missing out on some important categories,” says Lindy Barta, membership manager and human resources assistant. “And we wanted to create a wider range of awards so that all of our businesses and business people can qualify.”

New to the list are “go green” and tourism awards as well as Business Person of the Year, Employer of the Year, Emerging Entrepreneur Award and the Excellence Under 40 Award.

Other nomination categories include community impact, customer service, professional service and retail.

“Anyone can nominate,” Barta reiterated. “And any business can be nominated, they don’t have to be a chamber member. But if they aren’t a chamber member, then they have to be located between Rossland and Fruitvale (and have a valid business licence).”

Nomination forms can be picked up at the chamber office on Bay Avenue, but for the most part, nominations are done online, says Barta.

“We have a nomination form that has been emailed out to members and put on Facebook,” she added. “It can also be found on our website at”

Winners will be announced during the chamber’s “Celebration of Success” evening gala slated for later this fall.

Trail Daily Times