Practical nursing student Desmond Rutherford learns about the proper care and assessment of an IV with a patient simulator in NIC’s Practical Nursing labs. SUBMITTED PHOTO

Practical nursing student Desmond Rutherford learns about the proper care and assessment of an IV with a patient simulator in NIC’s Practical Nursing labs. SUBMITTED PHOTO

North Island College’s nursing program receives provincial recognition

The BC College of Nursing Professionals awards NIC with a four-year recognition

The BC College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNP) has recognized North Island College’s Practical Nursing program for its high quality curriculum and faculty.

The BCCNP is the largest health care college in Western Canada, representing licenced practical nurses (LPNs), registered nurses (RNs), registered psychiatric nurses (RPNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs). Part of its mandate is to review and recognize education programs and courses.

NIC’s program received a four-year recognition, and the program does not have to be reviewed again until 2024.

“Receiving a four-year recognition acknowledges the strength of our teaching and learning processes,” said RaeAnn Hartman, associate dean of health and human services at NIC. “It’s a wonderful recognition of the hard work our faculty does to ensure our students develop to the highest possible professional standard.”

NIC’s Practical Nursing program supports students as they develop the knowledge, skills and abilities to become a licensed practical nurse, including more than 650 hours of hands-on clinical practice hours in communities across the region.

The next intake of NIC’s Practical Nursing program begins in September in Port Alberni. To learn more and to apply, visit

Alberni Valley News