North Okanagan chambers ready to celebrate

North Okanagan urged to celebrate Chamber of Commerce Week, which begins Feb. 20.

Feb. 20 marks the beginning of Chamber of Commerce Week, and another opportunity for chambers of commerce across the province to showcase the outstanding value we provide to our communities.

The business sector is often hesitant to celebrate their contribution to the economic well being of their community and beyond. Businesses are busy – creating jobs, investing capital and contributing to municipal, provincial and federal tax bases. So how do they ensure they are being represented at all levels of government, and that their role is not overshadowed by other interests?

They join their local chamber of commerce. The network of more than 120 chambers across B.C. makes this a unique business organization, and gives concerns a voice above and beyond the municipal level. It provides much-needed input to public policy which benefits local economic and social well-being.

Strong economic policies, created with significant input from chambers at all levels, provide the means with which governments can generate the resources to deal with all concerns. Business is linked to every issue which is of importance to government, and to the people in our neighbourhood.

Business and community members, whether they belong to a chamber or not, benefit from the role chambers play in the process. Chamber of Commerce Week is a celebration of the individuals who make our communities special places to live, work and invest. The entire network of chambers, from national to provincial to municipal, owes it to itself to ensure that this event provides a suitable platform that allows thousands of members to gain awareness of the importance of the chamber of commerce to the civic, social and business climate in the province.

So what is the Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce doing for you? Is it of value to you?

The value comes in the form of benefits and services to stimulate local economies, community promotion, business support through education and networking, and engaging in advocacy. This benefits all business and helps achieve success and creates vibrant communities throughout the province.

Your chambers of commerce are community leaders in action. This provincial week of recognition applauds this important contribution, and brings further awareness about the chamber network’s influence and importance to members of the public and chamber members alike.

It also is a great time to recognize the contributions of our local chamber members, the unsung heros of many communities.

Patti Noonan is the executive director of the Armstrong Spallumcheen Chamber of Commerce.

Vernon Morning Star