Oak Bay duo spin fitness and fun at studio

New, one-of-a-kind studio teaches residents to stay in shape while having fun

Hayley Gustavson, left, and Victoria Courtnall, owners of Spinco, a Canadian-based indoor spin studio, stand with their bikes in their new Pandora Avenue location.

Hayley Gustavson, left, and Victoria Courtnall, owners of Spinco, a Canadian-based indoor spin studio, stand with their bikes in their new Pandora Avenue location.

A new, one-of-a-kind studio that teaches residents to stay in shape while having fun has pedalled into the region.

Spinco, a Canadian-based indoor spin studio, opened its first Vancouver Island location on Pandora Avenue in December.

The boutique studio offers 50-minute spin classes, led by motivational instructors with the goal of bringing men and women of every fitness level together as a team, by moving in unison to curated musical playlists.

“It’s like an adrenaline rush. I think it’s just highly addicting and you leave here with your endorphins going. It’s a life-changing experience,” said studio co-owner Victoria Courtnall.

“It’s highly addicting and you just leave here feeling so good.”

It’s a form of workout Courtnall and co-owner Hayley Gustavson were excited to bring to the city. Gustavson first tried a class at the Spinco in Kelowna, while Courtnall, an avid road cyclist, tried similar classes while travelling in the United States.

The duo, Oak Bay neighbours and Oak Bay High graduates, felt there was a lack of spin studios in the local marketplace to cater to the region’s high cyclist population.

That’s when they decided to open Spinco.

At roughly 2,500 square feet, the studio is equipped with 34 bikes, showers and vanities to make it feel less like a gym and more of a community space – a feeling that was important to both Courtnall and Gustavson.

“We really emphasize community. In order to create that community feeling we wanted people to walk into the studio and want to spend time there,” Gustavson said. “It’s not one of those things where we want people to rush in and out of during their workout. By making it a more beautiful space, we hope to unite different people in the community together.”

Since the space opened, people from all walks of life have flocked to the studio. Many classes are full and have a wait list. Even cyclists are hopping on the bike to try it, said Courtnall, adding the new cycling lane on Pandora has helped encourage ridership.

The studio gives back to the community as well.

Every Monday, the studio offers a Spin-it-Forward ride, in which they partner with a local charity.

Classes are a minimum $10 donation and all proceeds go toward that non-profit.

For more information the studio visit www.spinco.ca./victoria.


Oak Bay News