Online menopausal program developed by Denman Islander

The next Vivid Menopause Circle online program begins April 9.

A Comox Valley woman has developed a program for midlife women that is being delivered online and in locations around the world.

Bronwyn Simons of Denman Island developed the eight-week Vivid Menopause Circle, a supportive program for women at midlife (pre-, peri- and post-menopausal). Meeting in person or online once a week, participants engage in facilitated discussions, creative activities, and physical movement in order to explore the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of menopause.

“Menopause is a powerful and beautiful transition that represents a woman’s entry into her power years, but too often it is treated as a time of loss, something to be feared, or an illness to be cured,” says Simons. “Nothing could be further from the truth.

“An empowered menopause is truly a time of ripening, coming into our full power as women.”

Simons is an artist and dance instructor who used to lead women’s circles when she lived in California. She created Vivid Menopause in early 2015 after years of researching the subject and finding that most information related strictly to hormone changes. She later invited Annagrace Kaye, a doula and women’s circle leader from the Portland, Oregon region, to join her in delivering the program. The two women offer online and in-person courses, retreats, and an online community.

“In the Vivid Menopause program, we offer practical strategies for coping with what life brings us at this time,” says Simons. “We present strategies for self-care and dealing with physical changes as well as engage in an exploration of the deeper meaning of menopause. Our intention is to offer refreshment for body, mind and spirit at this time when women may be feeling depleted and alone.”

In the Vivid Menopause Circle program, participants explore a different topic each week, using a combination of discussion, self-inquiry through journaling prompts, movement, and creative projects, such as art journaling.

The next online program begins April 9. To register or obtain information about either, go to


Comox Valley Record