Our man in China: Days 5-7 of trip with the  Mission Chamber

Our man in China: Days 5-7 of trip with the Mission Chamber

Rahman Shafi won a free trip thanks to a contest presented by the chamber and the Mission Record. Shafi is sharing his thoughts.

Members of the Mission and Regional Chamber of Commerce, along with some local business owners, are in China. Along with the group is Rahman Shafi who won a free trip thanks to a contest presented by the chamber and the Mission Record. Shafi is sharing his thoughts with Record readers with an update of his day-to-day activities.

Day 5:

Well we got a very early wake up call. Had to pack up and head to the airport. This is where the full group split up. Group one went to Xian and Group Two (my group) flew to Shanghia then took a bus ride to Suzhou.

We stopped in the city and took a canal ride, then went to dinner. Our hotel was quite a ways out of the city but when we got there all of us were blown away. It is so amazing. We explored the hotel a little bit before calling it a night.

Day 6:

No Report filed

Day 7:

We headed out to and started the day at the lingering garden. Which was beautiful. Spent a good time wondering around, admiring all the bonsai trees. By the time we were done there it was lunch time.

After lunch we went through a silk embroidery. Then off to Tiger Hill. We walked up to the leaning pagoda and explored a bit. Then it was time for dinner.

Some of us went shopping along the street while the rest of us ate dinner. Then there was a long drive back to the hotel. The traffic reminded most of us like we were back in Vancouver.

The Guy In China

Rahman – “not like the noodles”


Mission City Record