Our man in China: Days 8-9 of trip with the  Mission Chamber

Our man in China: Days 8-9 of trip with the Mission Chamber

Rahman Shafi who won a free trip to China, thanks to a contest presented by the chamber and the Mission Record.

Members of the Mission and Regional Chamber of Commerce, along with some local business owners, are in China. Along with the group is Rahman Shafi who won a free trip thanks to a contest presented by the chamber and the Mission Record. Shafi is sharing his thoughts with Record readers with an update of his day-to-day activities.

Day 8:

We checked out of the hotel and headed off to Hangzhou. We stopped by West Lake after lunch and took a boat ride around the lake. Then not too far from the lake we went to Lingyin Temple and saw the carvings in the mountain. Then it was off to dinner and then to the hotel. It was to early to sleep so a few of us hung out in the lounge and got a nice tour of the resort.

Day 9:

We headed to a green tea plantation. There were hills upon hills with plants. After lunch we set off to Shanghai from Hangzhou. Then we headed to the Bund, which is right on the water and you can see all the tall buildings and a nice walk around. During dinner we decided as a group to go and take a boat cruise at night and see all the buildings lit up. That was just incredible.

The Guy In China

Rahman – “not like the noodles”

Mission City Record