Penticton City Hall. (File photo)

Penticton to spend $24M on capital projects in 2021

Budget includes $8M is for projects deferred from 2020

The City of Penticton has opened up feedback on the draft budget for 2021 and there a few things that may be helpful to know.

The city is planning to spend $24,664,588 on capital projects in 2021, including $8.1 million in projects deferred from 2020.

The capital projects are funded through the general capital fund, the sewer utility, water utility and the electric utility. The utility funds are used for projects related to their respective sources.

There is $12,733,183 allocated through the general capital fund this year, with $2,514,000 for facilities, $6,436,400 for engineering, $55,000 for fire services, $742,000 for IT, $64,000 for Lakeview Cemetery, $2,344,950 for upgrades and replacements to the city’s vehicle fleet, $402,000 for parks, and $174,833 for traffic control.

Out of the $1,859,500 budgeted from the sewer capital, $1,123,000 is for sewer engineering projects, $674,000 is for upgrades to the waste water treatment plant, and $62,500 for software upgrades for the sewer systems.

The water capital fund is budget for $5,967,700 total, with $4,335,200 in engineering projects, $630,000 in water treatment plant projects $940,000 in water distribution system projects, and $62,500 for software upgrades.

The electrical utility funds will be spent on a total $4,104,205 in projects, with $3,979,205 for general projects and $125,000 for implementation and conversion of geographic information systems.

READ MORE: Breaking down Penticton’s 2021 operating budget draft

Feedback on the draft financial plan will be taken via the website.

The city will also be holding budget talks from Nov. 24 to 26.

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