Miss Daisy’s Pet Foods and Supplies owner Earnest Robertson.

Miss Daisy’s Pet Foods and Supplies owner Earnest Robertson.

Pet probiotics part of growing supplement trend

Miss Daisy’s Pet Foods and Supplies owner Earnest Robertson is noticing a growing trend for pet suppelements

Miss Daisy’s Pet Foods and Supplies owner Earnest Robertson is noticing a growing number of pet owners who want to purchase a line of health supplements for pets.

The Cadboro Bay store has seen a spike in other natural products, such as compostable kitty litter. 

Probiotics, flax seed and kelp are among the growing trend of nutritional supplements available for pets, with some of the same purported health benefits for fur babies as for humans. Probiotics, also known as good bacteria, are living microorganisms that assist in digestive health.

And while some dogs might not seem like they’re in need of any help wolfing down dinner, the products are still in popular demand, both amongst Cadboro Bay dog owners and others who stop in after a visit the beach at Cadboro-Gyro Park.


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