The Revelstoke Business Centre team gathers to celebrate the retirement of its trusty and versatile office manager, Lise Somerville. Somerville, who can speak countless languages, was the voice you’d hear when calling into the business and visitor information centre for the past eight years. She is being replaced by Lorraine Beruschi. Pictured, back row, from left: Kevin Dorrius, the manager of Community Futures Revelstoke; Roberta Ciolli,  the basin business advisor for Community Futures; and Judy Goodman, the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. Middle, from left: Meghan Tabor, the coordinator for Tourism Revelstoke; Alan Mason, the City of Revelstoke’s director of economic development; and Steve Bailey, the president of the Chamber of Commerce. From row, from left: Laura Rooney, Lorraine Beruschi, and Lise Somerville.

The Revelstoke Business Centre team gathers to celebrate the retirement of its trusty and versatile office manager, Lise Somerville. Somerville, who can speak countless languages, was the voice you’d hear when calling into the business and visitor information centre for the past eight years. She is being replaced by Lorraine Beruschi. Pictured, back row, from left: Kevin Dorrius, the manager of Community Futures Revelstoke; Roberta Ciolli, the basin business advisor for Community Futures; and Judy Goodman, the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. Middle, from left: Meghan Tabor, the coordinator for Tourism Revelstoke; Alan Mason, the City of Revelstoke’s director of economic development; and Steve Bailey, the president of the Chamber of Commerce. From row, from left: Laura Rooney, Lorraine Beruschi, and Lise Somerville.

PHOTO: Revelstoke visitor and business centre says bye to Lise

Lise Somerville, the trusty and versatile office manager of the Revelstoke Visitor & Business Information Centre is retiring.

The Revelstoke Business Centre team gathers to celebrate the retirement of its trusty and versatile office manager, Lise Somerville. Somerville, who can speak countless languages, was the voice you’d hear when calling into the business and visitor information centre for the past eight years. She is being replaced by Lorraine Beruschi.

Pictured, back row, from left: Kevin Dorrius, the manager of Community Futures Revelstoke; Roberta Ciolli,  the basin business advisor for Community Futures; and Judy Goodman, the executive director of the Chamber of Commerce. Middle, from left: Meghan Tabor, the coordinator for Tourism Revelstoke; Alan Mason, the City of Revelstoke’s director of economic development; and Steve Bailey, the president of the Chamber of Commerce. From row, from left: Laura Rooney, Lorraine Beruschi, and Lise Somerville.

Revelstoke Times Review