CubicFarms have announced the addition of Janet Wood to its board of directors. (Special to The News)

Pitt Meadows/ Langley grow tech business names new member to board of directors

Janet Wood will join the agricultural firm after a brief stint as pres and CEO of Science World

A company specializing in vertical farming are adding a seasoned executive to their board of directors.

Janet Wood, who is fresh off a short stint as president/ chief executive officer for Vancouver’s Science World brings a wealth of major tech company experience with firms like IBM, Crystal Decisions, Business Objects, and SAP.

“We’re thrilled to welcome Janet Wood, a strong Canadian technology leader, to our board of directors,” said Jeff Booth, chair of CubicFarms.

“Janet is a trailblazer in the tech industry and influential leader within every organization fortunate enough to benefit from her vision and expertise.

“Her significant experience with large software and technology companies will help CubicFarms continue to grow, innovate, and expand internationally.”

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Wood said it is clear the automated indoor growing technologies developed by the company will empower farmers to grow produce and livestock feed locally, directly addressing critical food security issues.

“CubicFarms’ unique patented technologies use less land, less water, and no pesticides or herbicides, using our natural resources respectfully and sustainably,” she said.

Wood has been recognized with a YWCA Women of Distinction Award and is a past recipient of the Canadian Women’s Executive Network Top 100 Women Award.

She is active in her community as a partner in B.C. Social Venture Partners, a not-for-profit organization that supports children and families at risk, and is a board member of ICBC, Pureweb Technologies, and Junior Achievement of B.C.

Currently, Wood sits on the University of Alberta Business School Advisory Committee and is the Canadian Regional Member Engagement Officer for Young Presidents Organization.

CubicFarms is a chain, agricultural technology company with facilities in Pitt Meadows, which is developing and deploying technology to used to enable growers to produce high quality, predictable produce and fresh livestock feed.

Its trademarked system contains patented technology for growing leafy greens and other crops onsite, indoors, all year round.

For more information, please visit

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