PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals in Fernie provides customers with a wide variety of rental vehicles along with a Calgary shuttle. Pictured are owner Lori McArthur, left, and manager Lynne Ward.

PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals in Fernie provides customers with a wide variety of rental vehicles along with a Calgary shuttle. Pictured are owner Lori McArthur, left, and manager Lynne Ward.

PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals: A practical solution for the Elk Valley

PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals provides locals and visitors with a wide variety of services for their travelling needs.

Attracting visitors from all over the world, Fernie is known as a hot spot tourist destination for backpackers and vacationers alike.

Fernie caters to those interested in vacationing here for an extended period of time, along with those making pit stops in the quaint, historic town.

Offering shuttle services along with short-term and long-term vehicle rentals, PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals provides locals and visitors with a wide variety of services for their travelling needs.

McArthur, a licensed recreational therapist realized soon after relocating to the Elk Valley that there were no opportunities in her field, owner Lori McArthur opened up a Rent-a-Wreck in Fernie in 1999.

Now the company has a fleet of 15 vehicles, with access to another 150 vehicles if required.

McArthur added, “Our office here is in a hotel as well, [so] we can help people 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

Unlike many car rental services that have limited options in vehicle rentals, PractiCar offers a wide selection of vehicles for different needs. From rental vehicles for the mines and backpacker special vehicles to newer, more professional vehicles, PractiCar has it all.

“[Fernie] has a niche on its own and we were able to modify and adapt more as to what we needed for the community versus having a cookie cutter mould come in,” McArthur said. “Because we are a ski destination, we have backpacker specials as well as newer vehicles.”

PractiCar offers rentals on a daily, weekly, monthly or what McArthur refers to as a ‘never, never’ plan — a long-term rental plan — and unlike many car rental vehicles, the Fernie rental vehicles can go across the border without any extra charge.

McArthur said another thing that makes the Fernie PractiCar unique is the compassion they have when dealing with customers.

“If people get into an accident and they’re not capable of driving home … we’ve driven them to where they’re going,” she said, adding that this includes driving customers to the Calgary and Kalispell airports. “We look at each scenario and look at what’s best.”

McArthur went on to say, “When devastating things happen, they need someone there that’s going to help them out.”

That’s where McArthur and manager Lynne Ward’s services come in handy. Rather than relying on a taxi or bus service, the two ensure that a customer in need is taken to their final destination.

“We have a really nice client base, we have a lot of wonderful people that we deal with on a regular basis. We’re fortunate that way,” McArthur said.

Aside from going above and beyond to ensure the safety of their car rental customers, PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals also provides a shuttle to the Calgary airport.

The Fernie location has been shuttling clients to and from Calgary on a regularly set winter schedule 10 times a week since 2008.

This year, however, PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals will be offering shuttle services to Calgary twice a week on Fridays and Sundays.

“There’s never been enough ridership or proof that it was needed for the summer, so we thought we’d do a test this year,” McArthur said.

For more information on PractiCar Car & Truck Rentals, visit their website at or call them at 250-423-6030



The Free Press