Prince Rupert Port Authority offering financial incentives to environmentally friendly ships

The Prince Rupert Port Authority is offering financial incentives to environmentally friendly vessel calling on North Coast terminals.

The Prince Rupert Port Authority is offering financial incentives to environmentally friendly vessel calling on North Coast terminals.

The port’s Green Wave program is one of the first programs of its kind in Canada, alongside Port Metro Vancouver’s Eco-Action program, and will offer discounts to ships based on the “A to G Green House Gas Emission rating”. The program, launched by RightShip and the Carbon War Room, enables charterers, owners and ports to instantly see a ship’s theoretical greenhouse gas emissions and relative energy efficiency compared to ships of similar size and type. Vessels are rated from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient).

Of the 19 vessels calling on Prince Rupert in the first two weeks of the program 11 have been using the A to G rating, and port authority manager of corporate communications Michael Gurney expects the program to provide $100,000 in discounts throughout the course of the year. Port authority president and CEO Don Krusel said he hopes the steps taken by Prince Rupert and Vancouver will lead to more ports following suit.

“Through an environmental incentive program with qualification standards consistent across global shipping, we are accelerating the industry’s movement toward greater efficiency and sustainability,” he said.

“As more members of the worldwide port community launch similar initiatives, common systems of measurement and reward are vital to wide adoption and success.”

So far the A to G rating system contains information on more than 70,000 existing vessels.

The Northern View