Proceeds from 99 cent bottles of hand sanitizer from Super Save Gas to the Aldergrove Food Bank. (Special to The Star)

Residents support Aldergrove Food Bank by buying hand sanitizer

Super Save Gas on Fraser Highway is donating all proceeds from bottles sold

Super Save Gas has a lot of hand sanitizer – so much so, the money from every sale will end up in the coffers of the Aldergrove Food Bank.

The food bank will receive 100 per cent of the proceeds from the 300 millilitre bottles.

“We had extra stock and decided to liquidate them, but we also wanted to do something nice for charity and Aldergrove Food Bank is right down the street,” said owner Harry Sidhu.

READ MORE: Aldergrove Food Bank gifted 75 cloth bags for better distribution

The bottles are selling for 99 cents, meaning the food bank will soon have an extra $1,000 to feed residents who need assistance.

Food bank manager Mary van Zuuk thanked Sidhu for his efforts and assured the donation will make a difference.

“He is also bringing over five dozen hand sanitizers so our clients will have their own supply,” she added.

Super Save Gas is located at 28326 Fraser Hwy.

The promotion will be ongoing until all hand sanitizer bottles are sold.

“Another heartwarming example of our locals going out of their way and coming up with unique ideas to help out struggling individuals in Aldergrove,” van Zuuk concluded.

The food bank is located at 27524Fraser Hwy and serves groceries Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Those in Aldergrove looking to sign up for assistance can call 604-857-1671.

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Aldergrove Star