Revelstoke hosting technology summit

Technology guru Andrew Greer coming to Revelstoke to give free tech presentation to students and community.

Andrew Greer will be speaking at the Revelstoke tech summit on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

Andrew Greer will be speaking at the Revelstoke tech summit on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

By Karilyn Kempton, Revelstoke Tech Coordinator

It’s no surprise that technology is floated around as a buzzword so frequently — it’s part of so much of what we do, consume, create and consider. However, when many people think of technology, they still jump straight to thinking of software or computer programmers tapping away at 1s and 0s. Andrew Greer is coming to Revelstoke to simplify the word technology and change our perspective.

Greer will give a free talk at the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. that is open to the whole community — entrepreneurs, growing companies, people interested in technology and those who have no idea what technology is.

A program manager at business incubator Accelerate Okanagan and a strident tech community builder, Greer’s goal is to de-mystify technology and bring it down to the regional and community level, giving us examples of what we can do to embrace technology and benefit from it as entrepreneurs, business owners and community members.

Many companies in Revelstoke are in a growth stage, so Greer will have strategies and ideas for supporting that using technology. He’ll break down the difference between tech and tech-enabled companies, describing how technology is disrupting and enabling traditional sectors with new solutions. He’ll also highlight the importance of building a local tech community to nurture innovation from within.

Greer is also giving a keynote presentation to Revelstoke Secondary School students that morning as part of the first Revelstoke Tech Summit, designed to promote engagement about technology and tech careers. Organized by a number of community stakeholders including the Revelstoke School District, Chamber of Commerce, City of Revelstoke, Community Futures, and myself, the Revelstoke Tech Summit is a precursor to the #BCTECH Summit, the largest technology conference in BC highlighting the vibrant, growing tech industry across the province.

RSS Students will check out a trade show of local and regional tech companies and knowledge workers to learn more about their career options in tech or tech-enabled industries. Interested students will also have the opportunity to attend talks from three local and regional entrepreneurs and tech workers talking about their career paths in technology and what it is they really do. John Simms, a web developer, Nathan Betram, a programmer, and Kamloops-based startup Hummingbird Drones will sharing their knowledge with students.

The #BCTECH Summit is a key networking event for entrepreneurs, businesses, government, academics, investors and community builders to explore new ideas and innovations. Several folks from Revelstoke will attend to make connections, get new ideas and tools for moving their business forward, learn strategies for fostering Revelstoke’s tech community, get inspired about the BC tech sector and promote Revelstoke as a great location to work and live.

We hope to see lots of you for Andrew Greer’s presentation at the RPAC, followed by a meet-up at Craft Bierhaus.

Karilyn Kempton is the City of Revelstoke’s technology coordinator

Revelstoke Times Review