The staff at Nelson’s RHC Insurance Brokers donated $500 to the Nelson Food Cupboard last week. On Fridays, the local office donates money into a fund so that staff can wear jeans. That money, along with the proceeds from a staff Christmas party raffle, were combined and RHC Insurance Brokers matched the funds to create the $500 donation.

The staff at Nelson’s RHC Insurance Brokers donated $500 to the Nelson Food Cupboard last week. On Fridays, the local office donates money into a fund so that staff can wear jeans. That money, along with the proceeds from a staff Christmas party raffle, were combined and RHC Insurance Brokers matched the funds to create the $500 donation.

RHC gives generous gift

The staff at Nelson’s RHC Insurance Brokers donated $500 to the Nelson Food Cupboard last week.

The staff at Nelson’s RHC Insurance Brokers donated $500 to the Nelson Food Cupboard last week. On Fridays, the local office donates money into a fund so that staff can wear jeans. That money, along with the proceeds from a staff Christmas party raffle, were combined and RHC Insurance Brokers matched the funds to create the $500 donation.

Nelson Star