Rotary Club serving the community

The Rotary Club of 100 Mile House has been involved in the community for more than 30 years.

MJ Castonguay

MJ Castonguay

The Rotary Club of 100 Mile House has been involved in the community for more than 30 years.

Since Nov. 11, 1976, the club has been instrumental in supporting and maintaining community projects, helping youths and seniors.

“We are very involved with the students of 100 Mile House,” says Rotary president MJ Castonguay. “Young people are a priority for us right now.”

For more than 20 years, the club has given $1,000 scholarships to Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School (PSO) graduates, says Castonguay.

As well as the scholarships, Rotary also financially supports the school’s sporting events, theatre productions, and student community events.

The club also recognizes the PSO leadership student of the month, she adds.

“Each month, a student is chosen by the school for the student who exhibits the qualities of co-operation, integrity and respect, and the students are invited to our meeting and congratulated.”

Castonguay says Rotary is also involved with elementary children, as part of their literacy project, and with help from Rotary International, the local club bought and distributed more than 500 dictionaries to the Grade 4 and 5 students in the 100 Mile House area.

Over the years, the Rotary Club has been involved in many projects, including Big Brothers and Sisters, Cariboo Marathon, 100 Mile arena/curling rink (parking lot lighting), 100 Mile District General Hospital, Rotary ball park (building and refurbishing fields and stands), and the brand new Rotary Soccer Field at the 100 Mile Soccer Park to list just a few.

Our latest project was the construction of a mobile stage for use at community events, Castonguay says, adding it can be rented by community groups to raise money for their own projects.

The stage has been used at the Garlic Festival, Hot July Nights Car & Bike Show, Relay for Life, South Cariboo Idols and other events.

Every year, the club organizes the annual Seniors Christmas Dinner, says Castonguay.

“Everyone enjoys the seniors dinner, but it’s not just our club that does all the work. It couldn’t be done without the help and involvement of the many other volunteers and organizations in 100 Mile House.”

One of the biggest community events the club holds is the annual Fall Fair.

“It’s not only a fundraiser for us; it is a commitment and celebration of this region.”

100 Mile House Free Press