Rotary: need for membership great

The Rotary Club of 100 Mile House has a small but enthusiastic group of 23 members, and there is room for more.

Peter Helfer

Peter Helfer

The Rotary Club of 100 Mile House has a small but enthusiastic group of 23 members, and there is room for more.

The importance of volunteering and giving back to the community is something the club’s membership chair Peter Helfer is passionate about.

“It is important to volunteer in the community… to give back. We have many events happening that raise funds for 100 Mile House projects.”

People who asked themselves why they should join the Rotary, can get some answers from Peter.

“The service opportunities are very important; giving back to the community is a wonderful experience.”

Opportunities include the youth exchange programs and professional exchanges.

At the weekly Rotary meetings, he explains, there are guest speakers, community leaders who keep Rotarians up to date on what is happening in the area.

One of the most important aspects of Rotary is the Four-Way-Test, he says, adding Rotarians encourage high ethical standards: Is it the Truth?; is it Fair to all concerned?; will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?; and Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

“My wife, Ursula, and I use the test as our marketing concept. It’s the goal for each member to be a good Rotarian.”

Rotary is an organization of successful people, who learn team building, fundraising, public speaking, and organization skills, Ursula says, adding leadership development provides experience in learning how to motivate and guide others.

There are seminars for directors and president-elects, such as the one coming soon in Seattle, where there will be 600 leaders attending a three-day event, Peter adds.

Although there are social activities during the year for members, such as a fishing weekend, Peter says he finds that volunteering at events is the most fun.

“I really enjoy the Seniors Christmas dinner. We had so much fun this last dinner, and working as a team and getting to know your fellow members, it was my social event of the year.”

There was a time when you had to be a professional or own a business to join the Rotary, but that has changed, says Ursula.

There are requirements to join, but people are welcome to come to a meeting and find out what it is about, she adds. If you wish to join, you have a member sponsor you, then your application goes to the board and club members for acceptance.

The face of the Rotary has changed with so many women members now, says Peter.

“I’ve been involved in service clubs all my professional life. When Ursula and I moved here, joining Rotary was an opportunity to get involved and meet people in the community.”

For more information on Rotary, call Peter at 250-791-5713, or Google the Rotary Club of 100 Mile.

100 Mile House Free Press