Rowing club has it covered

Running its program is going to be a lot easier for the South Cariboo Rowing Club with the addition of a large metal storage container

South Cariboo Rowing Club representative Brenda Jenkins, second from left, thanked Dave Dickie from Donex, left, Rick Takagi, Ainsworth, and John Dobbs, LTC Transport, for their contributions in helping the club acquire a metal storage container for their gear.

South Cariboo Rowing Club representative Brenda Jenkins, second from left, thanked Dave Dickie from Donex, left, Rick Takagi, Ainsworth, and John Dobbs, LTC Transport, for their contributions in helping the club acquire a metal storage container for their gear.

Running its program is going to be a lot easier for the South Cariboo Rowing Club with the addition of a large metal storage container to house its gear.

Acquisition of the container, valued at $5,992, was made possible with financial support from Donex Pharmacy & Department Store and Ainsworth Lumber, free delivery of the unit by LTC Transport and a cut-rate price from supplier Ocean Trailer in Coquitlam.

Club head coach Jack Jenkins says the container is a welcome addition, as prior to its arrival, safety equipment and oars were stored at his home at 108

Mile and would have to be transported down to the training site on Watson Lake four or five times each week for rowing sessions.

“We had no secure place to leave it all there, so we trailered it back and forth – unloading and reloading — you get the picture.”

Jenkins says the next club event is the North Shore High School Championship in mid-October where their junior rowers will compete.


100 Mile House Free Press