A well was drilled for a new car wash in Sooke.

A well was drilled for a new car wash in Sooke.

Rub-a-dub-dub two car washes in the hub

Proposed car wash owners in Sooke town centre drill for water

Sooke, a community that is lacking a commercial car wash, currently has two in the works.

Brian Ridley and his father, Ronald, have been working on developing a car wash in front of Evergreen Auto Repair, located on 6731 West Coast Rd, since March 2012.

“We figured Sooke needed a car wash. We looked for something Sooke didn’t have and a car wash popped into our minds,” Ridley said.     The latest work on the property included drilling a well to find a sustainable water source.

“We’re putting in a well to feed the car wash because water is such a valued commodity. We’ve hit water, so that will supply the car wash with well water instead of using municipal water,” Ridley said.

“There still will be municipal water used within the wash process, but not nearly as much as there would’ve been without the well.”

Other environmental measures include a water recycling component.

The car wash will have three bays, measuring 16 x 16 feet each.

According to Ridley, there will be two self-serve wand washes and one “top quality” automatic wash.

“There’s one automatic bay where you drive your car in and you park and the wash washes your car,” he said. “ We’re putting in a top quality wash and I think people are going to be very happy with the results.”

Other planned services include two vacuum islands and two self-serve doggy washes.

The indoor doggy wash tables will be stainless steel with ramps for easy access. Ridley said everything needed to bathe your dog will be supplied, including hair dryers, shampoo, conditioner and of course, water supply tubes.

“It saves you from loading your dog into your bath tub and scratching up your bath tub or washing outside in the winter time,” he added.

Ridley said excavation and construction will begin, once “a few more details” are worked out and a building permit is issued by the District of Sooke.

“We’re moving slowly. We’re making sure that we’re doing it right the first time,” Ridley said.

The car wash will front the property along West Coast Road, and there will be direct access to the main highway.

Coincidentally, another car wash, which will have five bays and a 50-machine laundromat, is currently underway. It is to be located behind Village Food Markets.

“It is kind of ironic that Sooke goes from no car wash to two car washes, but it’s going to be fine,” Ridley said. “You go to one car wash, and if they’re too busy, and you really need your car washed, there’s two of them now.”

Sooke News Mirror