Saddling up on 2nd Street in Grand Forks

Garry's Saddle Shop on 2nd Street is run and operated by Garry Van.

Garry Van standing beside an incomplete saddle at Garry's Saddle Shop on 2nd Street.

Garry Van standing beside an incomplete saddle at Garry's Saddle Shop on 2nd Street.

Garry’s Saddle Shop on 2nd Street opened in January and has been slowly increasing its clientele.

New resident to Grand Forks, Garry Van has always loved working with leather.

“(Business) started slow but it’s getting better and better. It’s pretty good,” he said. “I like doing these things and enjoy the work and meeting people.”

Van took his first saddle apart when he was 16 years old, when his fascination and love of leather began.

After taking a break to start a family, Van has returned to his love of leather and decided to open Garry’s Saddle Shop.

From start to finish, it takes Van 80 hours to complete a saddle, which uses the hide of an entire cow.

Built entirely from scratch in the store, each saddle it meticulously detailed and carefully created.

Along with saddles, Van repairs tacks, belts and cases, though he prefers making saddles. “It depends on the sales so I have to do what I have to do,” he chuckled. “I like to work on anything with leather.”

For more information, contact Van at 250-584-4654.

Grand Forks Gazette